About the Certificate

Now, there’s an easy way to demonstrate asbestos compliance within any building.
Our Asbestos Information Certificate has been designed to encourage the maintenance of asbestos materials that remain in good condition and highlight potentially dangerous items that need treatment or removal.

It’s a simple yet information-rich template that holds building owners and managers accountable for reducing asbestos-related risk and provides clear instructions and recommendations for remedial or disposal works.

All you need to know, condensed into a familiar format

This simple one- or two-page report is presented within a template that’s commonly used to display the energy efficiency ratings of domestic appliances.

Created by analysing millions of lines of asbestos survey data, the certificate translates the numerical risk process developed by HSE into an easy-to-follow graph that is colour coded for extra convenience.

All data has been reviewed by Asbestos Information CIC’s technical working group, with the assistance of an Applied AI postgraduate from Aston University. This has resulted in what we like to call the Common Asbestos Vocabulary.

The certificate’s format may be adjusted slightly to accommodate the requirements of more complex premises.

The data collected will form the basis of a register of asbestos risk that can support our asbestos education and enforcement campaigns. Eventually, we at Asbestos Information CIC hope to transfer this data to public ownership.

  • The certificate is the copyright and intellectual property of Asbestos Information CIC.
  • We pledge that all surplus proceeds from lodgement will be used for asbestos research, guidance publication and campaigning.

Want to be a part of our ground-breaking project?

We’re looking to partner with UKAS accredited asbestos inspection bodies who are willing to share site information to help us grow our national database.
2024 © Asbestos Information Certificate
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